![]() |
Floating point and integer math, matrices, vectors. More...
Classes | |
struct | Sifteo::AffineMatrix |
An augmented 3x2 matrix, for doing 2D affine transforms. More... | |
struct | Sifteo::Random |
Pseudo-random number generator. More... | |
struct | Sifteo::Vector2< T > |
Generalized two-element cartesian coordinate vector. More... | |
struct | Sifteo::Vector3< T > |
Generalized three-element cartesian coordinate vector. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724 |
1/pi | |
#define | M_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448 |
2/pi | |
#define | M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517 |
2/sqrt(pi) | |
#define | M_E 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250 |
e | |
#define | M_LN10 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421 |
log e10 | |
#define | M_LN2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568 |
log e2 | |
#define | M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082 |
log 10e | |
#define | M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214 |
log 2e | |
#define | M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 |
pi | |
#define | M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144 |
pi/2 | |
#define | M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721 |
pi/4 | |
#define | M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039 |
1/sqrt(2) | |
#define | M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808 |
sqrt(2) | |
#define | M_TAU 6.2831853071795862 |
2 * pi | |
#define | MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) |
Largest single-precision float value. | |
#define | NAN __builtin_nanf("0x7fc00000") |
Not a Number constant. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef Vector2< int8_t > | Sifteo::Byte2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of bytes. | |
typedef Vector3< int8_t > | Sifteo::Byte3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of bytes. | |
typedef Vector2< double > | Sifteo::Double2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of double-precision floats. | |
typedef Vector3< double > | Sifteo::Double3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of double-precision floats. | |
typedef Vector2< float > | Sifteo::Float2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of floats. | |
typedef Vector3< float > | Sifteo::Float3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of floats. | |
typedef Vector2< int > | Sifteo::Int2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of ints. | |
typedef Vector3< int > | Sifteo::Int3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of ints. | |
typedef Vector2< short > | Sifteo::Short2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of shorts. | |
typedef Vector3< short > | Sifteo::Short3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of shorts. | |
typedef Vector2< uint8_t > | Sifteo::UByte2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned bytes. | |
typedef Vector3< uint8_t > | Sifteo::UByte3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned bytes. | |
typedef Vector2< unsigned > | Sifteo::UInt2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned ints. | |
typedef Vector3< unsigned > | Sifteo::UInt3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned ints. | |
typedef Vector2< unsigned short > | Sifteo::UShort2 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned shorts. | |
typedef Vector3< unsigned short > | Sifteo::UShort3 |
Typedef for a 2-vector of unsigned shorts. | |
Functions | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::abs (const T &value) |
For any type, return the absolute value. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | Sifteo::almostEqual (const T a, const T b, const T epsilon) |
Returns true when 'a' and 'b' are within 'epsilon' of each other. | |
float | Sifteo::atan (float x) |
Single-precision arc tangent function, of one variable. | |
float | Sifteo::atan2 (float a, float b) |
Single-precision arc tangent function, of two variables. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::bitRange (int begin, int end) |
Return a value of type T which has bits set in the half-open interval [begin, end). More... | |
template<typename T > | |
long | Sifteo::ceil (const T value) |
Returns the next integer value closer to positive infinity from 'value'. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::ceildiv (T numerator, T denominator) |
Ceiling division. Divide, rounding up instead of down. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::clamp (const T &value, const T &low, const T &high) |
For any type, clamp a value to the extremes 'low' and 'high'. More... | |
unsigned | Sifteo::clz (uint32_t word) |
Count leading zeroes in a 32-bit word. More... | |
float | Sifteo::cos (float x) |
Calculate the cosine of a specified angle, in radians. Single-precision. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::cross (T u, T v) |
Vector cross-product. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::dot (Vector2< T > u, Vector2< T > v) |
Vector dot-product. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::dot (Vector3< T > u, Vector3< T > v) |
Vector dot-product. | |
unsigned | Sifteo::ffs (uint32_t word) |
Find first bit set in a 32-bit word. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
long | Sifteo::floor (const T value) |
Returns the next integer value closer to negative infinity from 'value'. More... | |
float | Sifteo::fmod (float a, float b) |
Compute the remainder (modulo) operation for two floating point numbers. Single-precision. | |
double | Sifteo::fmod (double a, double b) |
Compute the remainder (modulo) operation for two floating point numbers. Double-precision. | |
bool | Sifteo::isunordered (float a, float b=0.f) |
Unordered comparison. More... | |
bool | Sifteo::isunordered (double a, double b=0.f) |
Unordered comparison. More... | |
float | Sifteo::log (float a) |
Compute the natural log of a floating point number. Single-precision. | |
double | Sifteo::log (double a) |
Compute the natural log of a floating point number. Double-precision. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::lslc (const T &value, int bits) |
Logical shift left with clamping. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::lsrc (const T &value, int bits) |
Logical shift right with clamping. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | Sifteo::polar (T angle, T magnitude) |
Convert polar to cartesian. | |
float | Sifteo::pow (float a, float b) |
Compute 'x' raised to the power 'y'. Single-precision. | |
double | Sifteo::pow (double a, double b) |
Compute 'x' raised to the power 'y'. Double-precision. | |
template<typename T > | |
long | Sifteo::round (const T value) |
Rounds 'value' to the nearest whole value. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | Sifteo::roundup (T numerator, T denominator) |
Round 'numerator' up to the nearest multiple of 'denominator'. Only for integer types. | |
float | Sifteo::sin (float x) |
Calculate the sine of a specified angle, in radians. Single-precision. More... | |
void | Sifteo::sincos (float x, float *s, float *c) |
Simultaneously compute the sine and cosine of a specified angle, in radians. More... | |
float | Sifteo::sqrt (float a) |
Compute the square root of a floating point number. Single-precision. | |
double | Sifteo::sqrt (double a) |
Compute the square root of a floating point number. Double-precision. | |
float | Sifteo::tan (float x) |
Calculate the tangent of a specified angle, in radians. Single-precision. | |
float | Sifteo::tcos (float x) |
Table-driven drop-in replacement for cos() More... | |
int | Sifteo::tcosi (int x) |
Integer cosine table lookup. More... | |
float | Sifteo::tsin (float x) |
Table-driven drop-in replacement for sin() More... | |
int | Sifteo::tsini (int x) |
Integer sine table lookup. More... | |
unsigned | Sifteo::umod (int a, int b) |
Compute the unsigned remainder from dividing two signed integers. | |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | Sifteo::vec (T x, T y) |
Create a Vector2, from a set of (x,y) coordinates. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | Sifteo::vec (T x, T y, T z) |
Create a Vector3, from a set of (x, y, z) coordinates. More... | |
Floating point and integer math, matrices, vectors.
inline |
For any type, return the absolute value.
If the value is less than zero, we return -value. Otherwise, we return the unmodified value.
inline |
Single-precision arc tangent function, of two variables.
This computes the arc tangent of y/x, using the sign of each argument to determine which quadrant the result is in.
inline |
Return a value of type T which has bits set in the half-open interval [begin, end).
The range may include negative values and/or values greater than the width of the type.
inline |
Returns the next integer value closer to positive infinity from 'value'.
ceil(1.0) => 1.0 ceil(1.1) => 2.0 ceil(-1.0) => -1.0 ceil(-1.1) => -1.0 ceil(-1.9) => -1.0
inline |
For any type, clamp a value to the extremes 'low' and 'high'.
If the value is less than 'low' we return 'low', and if it's greater than 'high' we return 'high'. Otherwise we return the value unmodified.
inline |
Count leading zeroes in a 32-bit word.
If the parameter is nonzero, returns a number between 0 and 31 indicating how many leading zeroes are present in the parameter, starting at the most significant bit. If the parameter is zero, returns 32.
This function is very fast: it is implemented as a single CPU instruction.
inline |
Calculate the cosine of a specified angle, in radians. Single-precision.
Trigonometry functions are very slow. If you're computing more than a few sine or cosine values per frame, consider using the table-driven alternative tsin().
inline |
Find first bit set in a 32-bit word.
Finds the first bit set in a word, starting with the least significant bit. If no bits are set (the argument was zero), returns zero. Otherwise, returns a number between 1 (LSB) and 32 (MSB).
This function is implemented using clz().
inline |
Returns the next integer value closer to negative infinity from 'value'.
floor(1.0) => 1.0 floor(1.9) => 1.0 floor(-1.0) => -1.0 floor(-1.1) => -2.0 floor(-1.9) => -2.0
inline |
Unordered comparison.
Given one or two single-precision floating point numbers, is there no defined sort order between them?
Returns true if either or both arguments are NaN.
inline |
Unordered comparison.
Given one or two double-precision floating point numbers, is there no defined sort order between them?
Returns true if either or both arguments are NaN.
inline |
Logical shift left with clamping.
If the shift amount is negative, it is treated as zero. Shift amounts greater than or equal to the word width will always return zero.
inline |
Logical shift right with clamping.
If the shift amount is negative, it is treated as zero. Shift amounts greater than or equal to the word width will always return zero.
inline |
Rounds 'value' to the nearest whole value.
round(1.4) => 1.0 round(1.5) => 2.0 round(-1.4) => -1.0 round(-1.5) => -1.0 round(-1.51) => -2.0
inline |
Calculate the sine of a specified angle, in radians. Single-precision.
Trigonometry functions are very slow. If you're computing more than a few sine or cosine values per frame, consider using the table-driven alternative tsin().
inline |
Simultaneously compute the sine and cosine of a specified angle, in radians.
This yields two single-precision floating point results, returned via the pointers 's' and 'c'.
inline |
inline |
Integer cosine table lookup.
This is an all-integer table driven alternative to cos(). It is very fast. The lookup table is stored in very fast internal flash memory.
The input angle is specified in units of 360/8192 degrees. A full circle is exactly 8192 units, meaning that a 90 degree arc is 2048 units. The result is in fixed-point, with 16 bits to the right of the binary point. A value of 1.0 is represented by exactly 65536.
Only the low 13 bits of the input angle are used. This function is implemented as a thin wrapper around tsini().
inline |
inline |
Integer sine table lookup.
This is an all-integer table driven alternative to sin(). It is very fast. The lookup table is stored in very fast internal flash memory.
The input angle is specified in units of 360/8192 degrees. A full circle is exactly 8192 units, meaning that a 90 degree arc is 2048 units. The result is in fixed-point, with 16 bits to the right of the binary point. A value of 1.0 is represented by exactly 65536.
Only the low 13 bits of the input angle are used.
inline |
Sifteo SDK v1.1.0 (see all versions)
Last updated Tue Dec 23 2014, by Doxygen