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Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >, including all inherited members.

erase(uint16_t index=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
erase(const PinnedAssetImage &image)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
fill(UInt2 topLeft, UInt2 size, unsigned tileIndex, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
fill(UInt2 topLeft, UInt2 size, const PinnedAssetImage &image, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
image(UInt2 pos, const AssetImage &image, unsigned srcFrame=0, unsigned destFrame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
image(UInt2 destXY, UInt2 size, const AssetImage &image, UInt2 srcXY, unsigned srcFrame=0, unsigned destFrame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
init()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
numFrames()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
numTiles()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
numTilesPerFrame()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
operator const _SYSAssetImage &() const Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
operator const AssetImage &() const Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
operator const FlatAssetImage &() const Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
pixelHeight()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
pixelSize()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
pixelWidth()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
plot(unsigned i, uint16_t tileIndex)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
plot(UInt2 pos, uint16_t tileIndex, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
RelocatableTileBuffer()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
setAssetGroup(AssetGroup &group)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
sizeInBytes()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
sizeInWords()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
span(UInt2 pos, unsigned width, unsigned tileIndex, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
span(UInt2 pos, unsigned width, const PinnedAssetImage &image, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
text(Int2 topLeft, const AssetImage &font, const char *str, unsigned destFrame=0, char firstChar= ' ')Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
tile(unsigned i) const Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
tile(UInt2 pos, unsigned frame=0) const Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
tileAddr(UInt2 pos, unsigned frame=0)Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inline
tileHeight()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
tileSize()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic
tileWidth()Sifteo::RelocatableTileBuffer< tW, tH, tF >inlinestatic